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Asatoma Sadgamaya

Title – Asathoma Sadgamaya, Producer – Ashwin Perera, Direction – Rajesh Venur, Music – Vahab Salim, Cinematography – Kishor Kumar, Cast – Radhika Chetan, Kiran Raj, Lasya Nagaraj, Deepak Shetty, Baby Chitrali and others.

This ‘I Care Movies’ maiden production has some intelligent stuff in the content. It is on relationship and intelligence in the story line this film moves on silver screen. This is a big budget cinema for first time producer Ashwin.

Rajesh Venur has worked on some philosophical lines with this Sanskrit title ‘Asathoma Sadgamaya’. Bringing those in darkness to light is his attempt in this film.

Mangaluru diction of Kannada is used in majority of the film. The concept relates to majority of people life is the belief of director.