Arbaaz Khan and Malaika Arora DIVORCED finally

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,May 12 2017]

A day after they jointly attended the Justin Bieber concert, director-actor Arbaaz S. Khan and his wife Malaika Arora were formally divorced in a court here on Thursday.

The celeb-couple, always the toast in high-profile parties and glam circles, were married for 18 years and have a 14-year old son, Arhaan.

While Malaika, 44, has secured custody of Arhaan, Arbaaz, 49, will have visitation rights on his son, as per the settlement reached in the Bandra Family Court.

Separated since over two years, the couple had filed for divorce in October 2016, and later attended a mandatory counselling session on November 29 in the Bandra Family Court, but failed to reconcile.

All was clearly not hunky dory between them after they abruptly stopped appearing together in a teleserial, Power Couple, last year in which they were the hosts, but Malaika returned only for shooting the grand finale.

However, they were still seen together in public on certain occasions, including the recent birthday celebrations of Arhaan in which the entire Khan clan joined them, and on Wednesday they attended the Bieber concert in Navi Mumbai travelling in the same vehicle.