Amitabh Bachchan races ahead of SRK, Aamir Khan

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,January 22 2016]

Iconic star Amitabh Bachchan, who already rules the industry and the world with his acting and personality has another feather to his cap. He has now become the first Bollywood celebrity to own 19 million followers on Twitter. Amitabh had joined Twitter in May, 2010 and from then on he has been highly active on the site to connect, interact and engage with his fans.

Amitabh proudly beats his contemporaries, while Shah Rukh Khan has (17.5 million), Aamir Khan (16.2 million), Salman Khan (15.8 million) and Priyanka Chopra (12.5 million) on the social site. This big news only came to light when, Big B tweeted, saying, "In all the excitement of retweeting the 19 million on Twitter... Forgot the 34 yrs of 'Satte Pe Satta'.

The movie 'Satte Pe Satta' is an action comedy of 1982, it was an adaptation of 1954 Hollywood film - 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers'. The movie featured Amitabh, Hema Malini, Amjad Khan, Sachin and many more in the lead.

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