Ajay Devgn is Abhineta No.1!

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,January 10 2012]

Bollywood most aggressive eyes Ajay Devgn who never accepted an award in 10 years, gladly accepted the Abhineta No.1 award from Bhaskar Bollywood.

We tell you the reason why.... Its truly democratic nature that was the sole reason why actor Ajay Devgn, who’s not accepted a single award in ten years could not say no to this award.

The most striking feature of this initiative is the fact that the nominations for this award have been selected by the people themselves. First, by selecting what nominations they wanted in different categories, and second, by choosing the winners from the list of nominees, in each category.

What's more, the public also had the power to reject nominations and add their own favourites to the nominations list in different categories.

Surely Ajay Devgn is the people's choice..