After Akshay Kumar, Sridevi supports Marathi film 'Tapaal'

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,September 20 2014]

Cinematographer turned director Laxman Utekar is mighty excited about Marathi film 'Tapaal'. And why not? After all it's his debut step in the field of direction. While biggies like Akshay Kumar, Arjun Kapoor, 'Balak Palak' director Ravi Jadhav, 'Lekar Hum Deewana Dil' director have already given their thumbs up for 'Tapaal', Laxman is now curious to get the feedback of Bollywood's most loved actress Sridevi, with whom he worked on 'English Vinglish', and maverick filmmaker Imtiaz Ali.

Laxman has also arranged a special screening for the same. He'll be showing the film to Sridevi and Imtiaz Ali on September 20, 2014.

"I just can't wait to show my film to Srideviji with whom I'd worked in English Vinglish and also Imtiaz Ali. I am very keen to get their feedback," said the excited director. 'Tapaal' is National and International Award winning Marathi film set in a small village in the year 1977. It dwells with sympathy, concern and understanding on the bond between a little boy and a childless couple, and the social discrimination that they face.

Produced by Maitreya Mass Media and distributed by Pickle Entertainment, starring the likes of Nandu Madhav, Veena Jamkar, Milind Gunaji, Urmila Kanetkar and introducing Rohit Utekar, 'Tapaal' is all set to release on 26th September 2014.

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