Two young actresses molested during movie promotion - Shocking video

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The film industry has come under severe shock as two young actresses were molested while they were promoting their new movie in a mall in broad daylight. The incident occurred at the Hilite Mall in Calicut on Tuesday.
Young actresses Saniya Iyappan and Grace Antony were at the said mall to promote their new movie 'Saturday Night'. According to the former "So I and my movie team were promoting our new movie 'Saturday Night' at a mall in Calicut. The promotion events went well across all the places in Calicut and thanks to the love from the people of Calicut. The event at the mall was extremely packed with people and the security was struggling to handle and maintain the crowd.
She added "After the event, I and one of my co-stars were leaving and some guy misbehaved with my colleague, and she didn't even get a chance to see or react because of the rush and the crowd. After that, I also encountered a similar act of misogyny and I reacted to it in shock as you've watched in the video.".
Saniya who is seen boldly hitting at the pervert concluded " I wish no one has to face this kind of unwanted trauma in their life, for violence against women there will be consequences and actions against these misogynistic individuals."
So I wish no one has to face this kind of unwanted trauma in their life, for violence against women there will be consequences and actions against these misogynistic individuals.
— Saniya Iyappan (@SaniyaIyappan_) September 27, 2022
കോഴിക്കോട് സിനിമാ പ്രൊമോഷന് വന്ന @GraceAntonyy @saniyaiyappan__ നിതംബത്തിൽ ഏതോ നരമ്പ് പിടിച്ചു അമർത്തി.അതിൽ സാനിയ യ്യപ്പൻ പ്രതികരിച്ചു.ഗ്രേസ് ആന്റണി തിരിഞ്ഞു നോക്കാതെ നടന്നു പോയ്..
— സജീഷ് (@sajeesh251) September 28, 2022
കോഴിക്കോട് ഈ ഒരു പ്രവർത്തിക്ക് പേര് കേട്ട സ്ഥലമാണ് എന്ന് അവർ വീണ്ടും തെളിയിച്ചു ??
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