Actress Nagma's strong message to alleged ex-boyfriend Sourav Ganguly

The Citizens Amendment Act brought in by the central government has received widespread agitations especially by students all over the country. Former cricketing great and current BCCI President Sourav Ganguly's daughter Sana had posted a comment on the issue but her dad had reacted that she was too young to air her views on the sensitive issue.

Actress Nagma has reacted to Ganguly on Twitter I congratulate Sana Ganguly on her views on the current situation prevailing in the country& urge her & Sourav Ganguly that he Should allow her to share her views freely & encourage her thoughts to let it make known them in the public domain after knowing that she eligible age to vote. In the early 2000s it was rumored that Nagma and Sourav were in love with each other after being spotted together several times. In a recent interview, the actress had shed light without mentioning names that she sacrificed her love to save the family of the man. Even today several news stories about the alleged affair abound the internet.

Sana Ganguly's Instagram post reads Every fascist regime needs communities and groups it can demonize in order to thrive. It starts with one group or two. But it never ends there. A movement built on hate can only sustain itself by continually creating fear and strife. Those of us today who feel secure because we are not Muslims or Christians are living in a fool's paradise. The Sangh is already targeting the Leftist historians and Westernized youth.

She added Tomorrow it will turn its hate on women who wear skirts, people who eat meat, drink liquor, watch foreign films, don't go on annual pilgrimages to temples, use toothpaste instead of danth manjan, prefer allopathic doctors to vaids, kiss or shake hands in greeting instead of shouting 'Jai Shri Ram'. No one is safe. We must realize this if we hope to keep India alive,