I lost my virginity to the COVID 19 test - Actress shocking post

The coronavirus shows no discrimination as to who it infects as for every common man there is a celebrity testing positive. The rich and famous have their own way of sharing their experiences about the COVID 19 and the recent one by actress Kubbra Sait has shocked netizens on the first read. Only when you look at it more closely the joke comes to the fore.

Kubbra Sait after taking a test has written I lost my virginity to the covid test.
Really it wasn’t half as bad as my mind had conjured it to be. It was a quick in and out.
Reminded me of a few ex lovers. It made me sneeze. Ok bye

Kubbra Sait who has acted in films such as 'Sultan' and 'Gully Boy' has sure hit her ex boyfriends under the belt by posting this humorous take on her coronavirus test.