Actress and model seriously injured after being beaten up badly in a bar

We may be in the digital age but many are still barbaric in their behavior especially in voilence against women and children and even celebrities are not spared. Actress Jennifer Agostini, 43, and her friend swimsuit model Prendinellys Garcia were the victims of racial abuse and were beaten up badly in a shocking incident.

It has been reported that Jennifer Agostini, 43, Prendinellys Garcia 47 her husband Cal Stuart and another friend Christopher Selletti were enjoying the night at the Sky Room Bar in Manhattan, New York. When they were leaving the bar at about 3am in the morning around fifteen men allegedly attacked them shouting white motherf***ers,” “dirty white b***es” and “f**k those white b****es and their money. The actress who stars in a lead role in 'Brooklyn Ties' now has five stitches on her head and face and has to go for an MRI to confirm about internal head injuries. Some of the attackers are allegedly African-American security guards working in the bar as bouncers. A case has been filed and further action will be taken after scrutinizing the CCTV camera footage.