Abhishek Bachchan, Jaya visit Vaishno Devi shrine

  • IndiaGlitz, [Friday,May 20 2005]

Film star Abhishek Bachchan and his mother Jaya Bachchan Friday prayed at Jammu and Kashmir's famous Hindu shrine of Vaishno Devi.

The mother and son duo flew here in a special aircraft Friday noon on their way to the shrine located at a height of 5,000 feet above the sea level.

The Bachchans were accompanied by actress-turned-politician Jayapradha and Samajwadi Party General Secretary Amar Singh.

Jaya and her son did not respond to any of the reporter's queries at the Jammu airport.

They prayed at the shrine for about 15 minutes, reports reaching here said.

Superstar Amitabh Bachchan and his family are regular visitors to the shrine. The shrine attracts more than 5.5 million pilgrims every year.