Your data is at risk, experts confirm that Aadhaar is hacked

  • IndiaGlitz, [Tuesday,September 11 2018]

Aadhaar has been attracting controversy since the time it was introduced. Being the gold standard of identification and finding utility from bank account to passports, the shocking news is that experts have confirmed now ist software has been hacked.

Reportedly, about 1 billion user data have been compromised due to a patch* which also includes biometrics and personal information.

Through this patch which is available at a meager Rs.2500, it is possible to generate Aadhar numbers at will from any location in the world. Reportedly, the patch helps a user to wade through security features like biometric authentication to create new Aadhaar numbers.

Many elements such as criminal, private, political and international might have vested interests to come up with the patch.

*Patch is a bundle of codes designed to change the functionality of a software.