It is once again proved that the film stars also need peace and spiritual guidance which they are not getting in the film industry. Super star Rajinikanth who is having habit of visiting Himalayas after the release of his movies similarly Venkatesh also visited Himalayas and spent few days in Punjab meeting spiritual people. Now it is turn of Vishal to visit Himalayas, the actor wanted to spend few days in solitude without any disturbances. Vishal already visited Himalayas in 2011 and now after completing his present movie Aambala under the direction of Sunder C he would visit Himalayas.
Vishal proceeds to Himalayas on spiritual trip | Tamil Cinema News
2014Dec 5
It is once again proved that the film stars also need peace and spiritual guidance which they are not getting in the film industry. Super star Rajinikanth who is having habit of visiting Himalayas after the release of his movies similarly Venkatesh also visited Himalayas and spent few days in Punjab meeting spiritual people. Now it is turn of Vishal to visit Himalayas, the actor wanted to spend few days in solitude without any disturbances. Vishal already visited Himalayas in 2011 and now after completing his present movie Aambala under the direction of Sunder C he would visit Himalayas.
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It is once again proved that the film stars also need peace and spiritual guidance which they are not getting in the film industry. Super star Rajinikanth who is having habit of visiting Himalayas after the release of his movies similarly Venkatesh also visited Himalayas and spent few days in Punjab meeting spiritual people. Now it is turn of Vishal to visit Himalayas, the actor wanted to spend few days in solitude without any disturbances. Vishal already visited Himalayas in 2011 and now after completing his present movie Aambala under the direction of Sunder C he would visit Himalayas.
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