50 Billion dollars accidently credited to a common man's account - What did he do with it?

  • IndiaGlitz, [Sunday,July 04 2021]

Last Saturday, Darren James a real estate agent from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and his wife were checking their accounts when they discovered $50 billion had been accidentally put into their Chase Bank account. While most would have tried to keep it under wraps and even spend it he decided to do the right thing and immediately informed the bank about it.

Speaking to CNN James joked That's not a one zero or two zero error, that's someone who fell asleep on the keyboard error. Certainly, I was ecstatic. I was amazed at how it arrived and wondered whether I had a wealthy uncle who donated it to me.

But, to his dismay, it wasn't an inheritance, but rather a very uncommon mistake but it still made him a billionaire for the four days when the money was in his account and the bank corrected the mistake.

People in the past have faced criminal charges when they spend the money accidentally credited to their accounts and one couple even were jailed in Pennsylvania when they spent all of the 120.000 USD that was accidentally deposited.

Darren James however stated 'My moral compass only goes one way and that's the correct way, he said. There's a big difference between morality and legality. Honesty and good moral character immediately kicked in, we can't do anything with the money. I didn't earn it, it's not ours to spend.. Finally, he said that in case that money was his he would have helped others share his blessing and that won him more friends on the internet.