Breaking! 20 Indian soldiers killed in Chinese attack

The Chinese attack on the Indian army at Galwan Valley in Ladakh late Monday night has apparently claimed the lives of 20 Indian soldiers which is 17 more than what was initially reported this afternoon. Early reports stated that one officer and two soldiers were martyred.

The Indian army has released an official statement that the Chinese army has disengaged from the disputed area after talks between senior officials on both sides. The army also assured that it is committed to protect the territorial integrity and the sovereignty of the nation.

On the casualties the army statement reads 17 Indian troops who were critically injured in the line of duty at the standoff location and exposed to sub-zero temperatures in the high altitude terrain have succumbed to their injuries, taking the total that were killed in action to 20.

Reports also suggest that atleast 43 Chinese soldiers and officers have been seriously injured or killed during the Indian Army's retaliation.