Vikram Bhatt against music launches!

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His movies have always gone out of way to give audience something different. Now Vikram Bhatt would set out a new trend. His movies hereafter will be released sans audio launching events.
According to sources, Vikram Bhatt is of opinion that it is useless to have music release functions. He feels that such events are wasteful and dont much help in promoting a movies music. He said that he would use the money wisely for additional promotions on television and radio channels, rather than wasting in expensive launch parties. He seemed to have said, I have realised the taste of the pudding is in the eating. A movie's music sells by making the audience listen to it, not by getting some Page 3 publicity for it or for a few minutes of event coverage on news channels.
Vikram Bhatts forthcoming release is Three Love, Lies, Betrayal, which is directed by Vishal Pandya. The movie features Aashish Chowdhry, Akshay Kapoor and Nausheen Ali Sardar and is slated for release on 3rd September.
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