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Another flop for her

Saturday, October 8, 2005 • Tamil Comments
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Amazing really is this Shreya girl. She has given yet another flop in the form of Chatrapathi,released last week. Yet, she is in the race.

Shreya, we have almost gone tired of writing, has been on sucha losing streak that ion comparison Bangladesh in cricket looks world beaters.

Shreya had six straight losses till Chatrapathi. With it, it became seven.

In between, her Tamil release Mazhai (a remake of Varsham) also hit the screens in Tamil Nadu. It is not clear as to what fate has be fallen that film.

But Shreya’s biggest test will be next week when Bhageeradha releases.

Will it be eight on the trot or the first of a new success list?

For Shreya’s sake, let us hope it is the latter.

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