18+ Ram Gopal Varma introduces his next movie heroine with hot pics

Whlle the world is battling the coronavirus and the entertainment industries all over are reeling our own Ram Gopal Varma is in the process of creating a parallel universe for the 18 plus. His RGV World Theater a digital pay per view platform has already churned out two adult films 'Climax' starring Mia Malkova and 'Naked' starring Sweety.

RGV today announced his next project titled 'Thriller' and his new heroine Apsara Rani with a flurry of hot pics. He has sky high praises for the young girl writing The heroine of our next film in RGVWORLDTHEATRE is Apsara Rani ..The film is called THRILLER ..It’s a follow up after the super success of CLIMAX and NAKED

The 'Rangeela' man continues about his new find Apsara Rani is from Orissa,born and brought up in the hills of Dehradun and presently lives in Hyderabad .. she’s an excellent dancer and a even better actor

RGV focusses on her birth state as well writing Before meeting Apsara,I dint even hear about Orissa since the 1999 hurricane..but after meeting her now ,I realised that Orissa creates all kinds of hurricanes..it’s been a great revelation that Orissa has such beauties ..MORE POWER TO ORISSA

The 'Satya' creator concludes .Our whole unit thanks her for dropping from the sky like an angel(Apsara) into our RGVWORLDTHEATRE. More on the cast and crew details awaited but judging from his previous works you could be watching 'Thriller' by month-end max.